Series II Guitar
Our top of the line, the pinnacle of our craft, the Series II is where the standard list of specifications reads like a custom build. Everything cool we make is already included on these guitars: stereo electronics, side LEDs, inlaid logo with mother of pearl and abalone, gold plated hardware, continuous wood backplates. But rarely do we make one of these fine instruments strictly to the spec sheet. Most people add their own touches to make the guitar unique in the world.
At the heart of the Series II is the pickups and electronics. What looks like three pickups is actually two single coil pickups with a centrally located “dummy” humcanceller. Gorgeous tone pours forth from this arrangement, and electronic hum balance controls accessable through one of the back plates means no hum, anywhere. We’ve also taken measures against the modern bane of high frequency noise with an internal noise cancelling network. The result is the absolute quietest electronics available. Coupled with our low-pass filters with continuously variable Q controls, the range of sounds available from a Series II is mind-expanding.
The soul of the Series II is the wood. Our standard neck recipe of Maple with Purpleheart gives an even response to both lows and highs. Some of the woods we use in the body are less obvious sonically. Each type of wood plays a role in shaping the tone, and we’ll help you decide where to cast each one when you order a custom Series II guitar.